Risk Analysis Methods and Tools for Advanced Reactors (RAMTAR) – Overview

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Advanced Nuclear Technology: Risk Analysis Methods and Tools for Advanced Reactors (RAMTAR) EPRI-3002026495

Worldwide, there is growing recognition of increasing need for clean, affordable energy and that nuclear power will have an expanding role in meeting energy demand. To address emerging energy needs, advanced reactor designs have been developed and promoted, encompassing a variety of new and innovative technologies. These designs are a significant departure from the existing fleets of water reactor technology. As a result, EPRI is working with members, advanced reactor developers, government regulators and other stakeholders to address the research needs for risk analysis methods and tools for advanced reactors.

To view EPRI's Advanced Nuclear Technology page including previous and upcoming events (Events page), please visit Program 41.08.01: Advanced Nuclear Technology.

Site Objective

Display EPRI’s assessment of the current level of readiness of risk analysis methods and tools to support advanced reactors design, licensing, construction, and operation. This is accomplished through building on EPRI’s support of the current nuclear fleet, conducting workshops that bring together entities such as advanced reactor developers and government regulators, as well as establishing short-term high-priority research topics.

Purpose of the Wiki

This wiki is intended to outline past, present, and future research for advanced reactors by describing a wide range of risk analysis methods and tools that are applicable to various reactor designs, as well as providing references regulations, guidance, and research projects.

Research Roadmap

This visualization of the Advanced Reactor Research Roadmap outlines prior, ongoing, and future planned research related activities. EPRI report 3002026495 was a key component in developing this roadmap. To view more details on ongoing research, please visit: RAMTAR Research

Program Development Program Kickoff
Industry Workshop
Evaluation of Risk Analysis Methods & Tools for Advanced Reactors
Advanced Reactor Risk Analysis Collaboration Group
Unique Advanced Reactor Topics Risk Metrics for Advanced Reactors
Treatment of Very Low Frequency External Events
Evaluation of Unique Human Error Mechanisms
Common Approach for Passive System Reliability
Data Needs for Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment
Coordinated Topics with Other EPRI Groups Risk Assessments with Digital I&C Systems
Industry-Wide Reliability Data Collection & Analysis
Applicability of Human Reliability Analysis Methods
Methods and Tools for Economic Risk Analysis


Completed Project Active Projects Future Projects

NEI and EPRI Collaboration

The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and EPRI have come together to form a vision on how nuclear energy can be utilized to fulfill the rising demand of energy in the future. This vision includes an actionable approach based on minimizing risk while simultaneously increasing the efficiency of the regulatory process. Further information on this collaboration can be found in the NEI EPRI Advanced Reactor Roadmap document.
